Mini Messy

Welcome to Mini Messy Church

What is Mini Messy?

  • Mini Messy is a weekly time when families across Gainsborough and Morton can come together to enjoy making things, playing, eating a simple breakfast, and celebrating God through story, music and prayer.
  • It’s different from an ordinary toddler group because it’s an event for children and their carers (parents /grandparents etc).
  • Each session of Mini Messy will have 3 distinct parts: breakfast; craft and playtime; and a story and a song.
  • All activities are based around a particular theme each week.


Our Aims for Mini Messy

  • To provide an opportunity for parents/carers and children to come together.
  • To share food, be creative, play, and learn.
  • To offer mutual support and Christian hospitality.
  • To be welcoming to all age groups.           
  • To share the gospel through story, song and prayer


Who supports Mini Messy?

  • Mini Messy is supported by the Team Parish of Gainsborough and Morton. Mini Messy is staffed by members of the Parish who have been checked and approved by the Parochial Church Council.

Supporting your child’s learning

  • We are committed to being fully inclusive.
  • If your child has any particular needs then please do not hesitate to speak to Revd. Liz Johnson.


When and where do we meet?

  • Mini Messy Church meets every Wednesday (during term time) at St George’s Church, Heapham Road, Gainsborough, DN21 1SH.

What do we do each session?

  • 10.00 – 10.30am Breakfast and Play
  • 10.30 – 11.10am Play and Craft
  • 11.10am Welcome song / Tidying up
  • 11.15am Story and Song
  • 11.30am Goodbye song


Do We Charge?

  • We ask for a £1 donation each session to help provide breakfast and craft materials. However, your first session at Mini Messy is totally free.
  • We have been supported by the Diocese of Lincoln and members of our church who have donated money for equipment and toys.
  • We are not charged for the use of the room and all helpers are volunteers.
  • If you find that the £1 donation is difficult, please speak to Revd. Liz Johnson in confidence.


Should you have any queries or concerns, in the first instance please speak to

Revd. Liz Johnson (Team Vicar)
Tel: 07798 914596



Revd. Canon Steve Johnson (Rector)
Tel: 07483 374655
Email: steve.johnson@lincoln.anglican. org

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